Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Stream of Consciousness

Excuse the following, it's more of a stream of consciousness rant. The context is really disconnected, and it's more a glimpse in to how I formulate my thoughts then how I would really try to communicate them ... I find it rather therapeutic, though, and visceral (so perhaps, honest):

Information is transmitted as unintelligible packages of digital data, actually as electrons. We call them digital ones(1) and zeros(0) because that's how electrical engineers code ON/OFF for electrons. We humans cannot actually interpret that data, we need technology to take that data, unpack it, re-configure it and retransmit it through intelligible media for us to make sense of it. If I had the digital code that made up the song on a printout, would that be stealing, as well?

FURTHERMORE, the last time you download a paper, a song, a movie or a television show how long did it take you to do so? That's because the totality of the file is fragmented. We refer to them as files or documents when we see them on our computer screens because it's a convenient way to organize and represent this data to a species that cognitively orders things by wholes. Even on your computer this data is infinitely fragmented based on the logical programming of computers (whatever that is, I really wish I knew).

SO, if I download 2.5 megabytes of a 3, 4 or 5 megabyte file that happens to be copyrighted, am I violating the law??? What if I stole half a CD? (like, took it out, broke it in half and took it... okay, besides being destruction of property)Is that theft? Oh! And if I buy a CD, and 10 years down the road the CD is scratched so that I can't play it anymore, do I have a contract with whomever I bought it from, or from the recording company to provide me a new CD? Am I buying the CD (medium) or the information (data)?